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List of international exhibitions, scientific conferences and trade fairs to be held in Turkmenistan in 2010
07.12.2009 22:29

ASHKHABAT, 7 December - IP "TURKMENinform".

  President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov approved the list of international exhibitions, scientific conferences and trade fairs to be held in Turkmenistan in 2010. 


  Name of event Date Organisers

Exhibition and business forum  of industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan

17-18 March 2010

Union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International forum “Drop of water is a gold grain” and the international exhibition and conference "World experience and key technologies in effective use of water  resources"

2-4 April 

 Agricultural complex of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International Gas Congress and  exhibition

13-15 April


State concern "Turkmengas", Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International exhibition and festival of fine-applied arts "Spiritual mankind fount"

21-23 April  2010

Ministry of culture and tele-radio broadcasting of Turkmenistan


9th International universal exhibition "City-Forum Ashgabat"

13-15 May 2010

Administration of Ashgabat city, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


 International Exhibition  "Turkmen carpet is the mukam of our soul" and next 10th conference of the Turkmen carpet experts named after Hero of Turkmenistan Gurbansoltan edje timed to the Turkmen carpet day

30-31 May 2010

State joint-stock corporation "Turkmenhaly", Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


 International exhibition of textile products and economic forum “Basic trends of development of textile industry of Turkmenistan” devoted to the Day of textile workers

6-8 June 2010

Ministry of textile industry of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International exhibition and scientific conference "Science, engineering and innovative technologies in the epoch of Great Revival"

12-14 June 2010

Academy of sciences of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International exhibition and scientific conference "Epoch of the Great Revival and reforms in the system of health care – 2010"

21-23 July 2010

Ministry of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan 


 International exhibition "Turkmen construction -2010" and international scientific conference "Development of construction industry of Turkmenistan"

20-22 August 2010

Ministry of construction of Turkmenistan, Ministry of  industry of construction materials, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


 International exhibition and scientific conference  "Avaza: new gains of creation, construction and development"

6-8 September 2010

Committee of national tourism zone  "Avaza", Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


 4th international exhibition of telecommunication, telemetry, information technologies and broadcasting equipment  "Turkmentel-2010" and  International  scientific conference "Turkmenistan  and  world telecommunication system"

15-17 September

Ministry of communication of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


 5th International book fair "Book – the way to the cooperation and progress"

 24-26 September

 Turkmen state publishing service, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International exhibition and scientific conference "The basic trends of  development of power industry of Turkmenistan"

1-3 October

Ministry of power energy of Turkmenistan, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


Exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan devoted to the 19th anniversary of Independence and scientific conference "Independent, permanent neutral Turkmenistan is the country of New Revival"

17-19 October

Ministry of economy and development of Turkmenistan, Institute of strategic planning and economic development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan


International  exhibition "Oil and gas of Turkmenistan  – 2010" and International  scientific conference "Oil and gas industry  of Turkmenistan: the present, perspective of development and international cooperation"

17-19 November

Ministry of oil and gas industry and mineral resources of Turkmenistan and organizations of oil and gas complex, Chamber of Commerce and industry of Turkmenistan


 International exhibition and scientific conference "Education, science, sport and tourism in the epoch of new revival"

24-26 November

Ministry of education of Turkmenistan Academy of sciences of Turkmenistan, State committee for tourism and sport, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan

IP "TURKMENinform"

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