IsDB to fund construction of a section of Kazakhstan-Iran railroad07.01.2010 18:46ASHKHABAT, 7 January - IP "TURKMENinform". Today the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Government of Turkmenistan signed a credit agreement on construction of the Bereket-Etrek stretch of North-South transnational main railroad (a line from Uzgen in Kazakhstan, via Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek in Turkmenistan, to Gorgan in Iran). The 256,5 kilometers long Bereket-Etrek railroad will be provided with 7 railway stations, 2 passing tracks, and approach lines; and a locomotive depot and vagon maintenance center will be built in Etrek. Since 371 million 200 thousand US dollars were assigned for the construction, it appears one of the largest IsDB's funding projects.
IP "TURKMENinform"