Turkmen president received the UAE businessmen10.02.2010 23:49WORLD NEWS, 10 February - IP "TURKMENinform". During his official visit to the United Arab Emirates President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov met with CEOs of the UAE business companies - executive director of the international investment company DAS Holding Khalid Deemas Al Suwaidi, CEO of the UAE state-owned investment company International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) Khadem Al Qubaisi and top manager of Petrofac International Maroun Semaan.
Mr. Maroun Semaan reported Turkmen leader on the implementation of the joint project on the development of the largest gas deposit in Turkmenistan Southern Yoloten. CEOs of DAS Holding and IPIC made presentations of their companies activities and expressed their keen interest in establishing long-termed business relations with Turkmenistan.
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