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Turkmenistan sends humanitarian aid to Tajikistan
15.02.2010 20:04

ASHKHABAT, 15 February - IP "TURKMENinform". Due to severe weather conditions that have taken place this winter in Tajikistan, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov ordered the Ministry of textile industry and the Turkmenbashi oil refinery plant to send humanitarian aid - clothes for children and diesel fuel for $ 500,000 - to the neighbouring country.

As is known, these December and January a series of severe frosts, snowfalls, floods, mud flows, landslides and even earthquake ocurred in Tajikistan damaging whole regions and destroying houses, bridges, roads, and power transmission facilities.

Besides Turkmenistan, humanitarian aid for Tajik Republic was rendered by Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the USA, Latvia, India and other countries from which the cargos with rice, wheat, plant oil and other alimentary, medicaments, clothes and shoes, building materials and electric transformers come.

IP "TURKMENinform"

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