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A new link in power electric ring around Ashkhabad
15.02.2010 22:59

AHAL VELAYAT, 15 February - IP "TURKMENinform". Yesterday President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov took part in the ceremony of unveiling and putting into operation a new gas-turbine power plant in Ak Bugdai etrap of Ahal velayat of Turkmenistan. The new plant named "Ahal" will supply electric energy to people and industrial centers of Turkmen capital and places of the velayat and even export some power with the lapse of time. The ceremony was also attended by Mejlis and government members, ministerial and local officials, the elders, journalists and foreign guests.

By the order of the Turkmen Energo State Corporation the Turkish company Lotus Energy carried out works on construction and provision of all the necessary facilities of the new plant, the US General Electric supplied and installed two powerful modern gas turbines capable of producing 254.2 MWt per year, and German Siemens provided modern automatic control computer systems and equipment to manage the work of gas pressure reducing station which directs the gas coming from a gas pipeline laid by specialists of the Turkmengaz State Concern to purifying and heating utilities that feed the gas turbines. The produced power is distributed into 3 flows of 35, 110 and 220 kV and delivered to consumers. The new power station also disposes reservoirs with alternative, diesel fuel for prevention of malfunctions of gas fuel system.

Gas-turbine power stations of the same type are also constructing now in Balkanabat city and at the Avaza National tourist zone under Turkmenbashi city in the course of the national programme on modernization, development and enhancement of energy sector in the country.

IP "TURKMENinform"

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